1250Ships News
Coming Soon From Albatros
The next set of Albatros models concentrates on the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force. It also includes the perfect complement to the upcoming ALK 327 Atlantic Conveyor model, a full deck set of aircraft. --ALK Z 19 Aircraft Set for Atlantic Conveyor This set will contain 8 Sea Harriers in grey, 6 camouflaged Harriers, 2 Chinooks and 1 Wessex cocooned, 1 Wessex and 1 mobile deck crane. --ALK 453A Shimokita Japanese LST as in 2002 --ALK 453B Kunisaki Japanese LST as in 2003 Both of these ships of from the Oosumi class. Oosumi is already available and in stock....
First Photos of the Atlantic Conveyor
Albatros sent along some photos of their upcoming Atlantic Conveyor model. We've attached them to the product page. Our first batch have shipped and should arrive in 2-3 weeks.
Navis-Neptun News
The next Navis release, an N upgraded version of the battleship HMS Erin will ship to us next week. Neptun is considering doing another US Navy escort carrier as their next project. No word on which one though.
Now in Stock NA 080N Stuttgart by Navis
In stock from Navis is NA 080N Stuttgart the upgraded N version of the German cruiser converted to a seaplane carrier. We are also offering the model in a bundle with a Brandenburg-Hansa W29 seaplane at a special price.
2016 West Coast Collectors Meeting Announced
The Society of Miniature Ship Collectors in conjunction with the Northern California Collectors Group have announced that the 2016 national meeting will be held on November 12, 2016 on board the USS Iowa berthed in San Pedro (Los Angeles), California. We will be attending the event and will bring along both new releases and some second hand models. More details as they become available. You can also visit the Society of Miniature Ship Collectors Event page for more information.