1250Ships News
Planned Releases From Albatros
The next civilian releases from Albatros will be: AL 267 Atlantic Cinderella Ro/Ro container ship of the Atlantic Container Line as in 1970 AL 268 Salween British and Burmese Steam Navigation Company passenger freighter 1938 AL 269 Lavoisier French Chargeurs Réunis passenger ship 1950 AL 270 Faraday Siemens Brothers & Company cable layer as in 1923 AL 271 Changsha passenger freighter of the China Navigation Company as in 1949 AL 272 Enskeri Finnish tanker of 1970 Details and photos of the real ships can be found in our Planned Models section.
In Stock From Solent
The two new Solent releases are now here and ready to ship: SOM 009 Falaise British cross-channel ferry 1947 SOM 010 Grebe British freighter 1947 In addition to these two we also received four Solent releases from 2015 that fell through the cracks and never made it over to us: SOM 005 Lagoa Portuguese freighter 1951SOM 006 Chirripo British freighter 1957SOM 007 Walmer Castle British freighter 1936SOM 008 Finkenau German freighter 1961
Now in Stock from Spider Navy
We now have in stock two new Spider Navy releases plus we have re-stocked a few others. The two new ones are: SN 3-04 USS Harveson US Navy radar picket ship SN 2-03A LSM (R) 409 US Navy fire support landing craft Restocks/additions are: SN 1-01 USS Idaho US Navy battleship with cast cage masts SN 3-01 USS Little Rock US Navy missile cruiser SN LIZ 0057C Irene German cruiser 1902 SN LIZ 1165CT Tenacious British destroyer in camouflage SN LIZ 1165DT Cavendish British destroyer in camouflage SN LIZ 0057C Irene
Next Up From Spider Navy
Johann Ottmann has sent photos of three upcoming Spider Navy releases. Visit the pages for additional images: SN 0-08 HMS Alexandra 1877 British central battery battleship Note that this is the same fit as the upcoming Hai release. I expect that the Spider Navy will be just about twice the price of the Hai version. SN 0-11 Gefion Danish built sail frigate captured by Schleswig-Holstein forces during the First Schleswig War at the Battle of Eckernførde Fjord on April 5, 1849. SN 0-12 Sumatra Norddeutscher Lloyd passenger steamer 1889
Just Arrived- USS Salem CM 11 by Saratoga
Our newest arrival is SMY 70 USS Salem CM 11 by Saratoga. She is shown as converted from a civil rail ferry into a minelayer in 1942. Salem saw extensive service off North Africa and Italy in late 1942 through 1943 in this configuration. Buy SMY 70 Salem (CM 11)